Our Commitment to Equity and Inclusion
The Black Lives Matter movement has demonstrated the urgent need for us to take action. It’s time to show our active commitment to eradicating racism in all its forms. As part of this effort, we need to acknowledge that we’re a part of a systemic problem and we haven’t done enough to address issues of race and privilege in our organization and within our league. We’re determined to change this now.
These first steps establish our commitment to achieving this:
- We commit to being transparent as to how we’re delivering change. We will communicate openly about how we’re going to make this happen.
- We commit to continued work with the Equity Committee to identify and remove institutional barriers and related processes.
- We commit to seeking more ethnic minority, and particularly black, representation across our programming.
- We will continue to equip ourselves with knowledge; learning and growing together so we can sustain our commitments.
- We stand for social justice—we recognize the fight against inequality and racial injustice is a never-ending everyday commitment.
- We will publish details of the changes we’re making and how we’re holding ourselves accountable.
- We will create the space for us to have open, supportive conversations with our players and staff.
These initial commitments are only a start. We know we need to go further and publish specific actions and deadlines. We’ll work with the Equity Committee to establish our next steps. However, real change needs to be informed by the experiences and views of all our players and staff, and we encourage your active participation.
Together we will create an Equality and Inclusion strategy to share on our website. We’ll use this page to provide you with updates on this work, meeting our commitment both internally and externally to be transparent as to how we’re removing barriers and holding ourselves accountable.
We are changing.